GE has a lengthy record of criminal, civil, political
and ethical transgressions. Here are a few examples:
In 1995 -- with the establishment of a Presidential Advisory Commission
-- the full extent of GE's human experiments with nuclear radiation were
revealed. General Electric ran the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in
Richland, Washington as part of America's weapons program; beginning in
1949, General Electric deliberately released radioactive material to see
how far downwind the radioactive material would travel. One cloud
drifted four hundred miles, all the way down to the California-Oregon
border, carrying perhaps thousands of times more radiation than that
emitted at Three Mile Island.
In 1986 Congressman Edward Markey held hearings in which he disclosed
that the United States and General Electric had conducted experiments on
hundreds of United States citizens who became "nuclear calibration
devices for experimenters run amok." According to Markey: "Too many of
these experiments used human subjects that were captive audiences or
populations ...considered 'expendable' ...the elderly, prisoners and
hospital patients who might not have retained their full faculties for
informed consent. "
One of GE's most gruesome experiments --disclosed in the Markey hearings
--was performed on inmates at a prison in Walla Walla, Washington, near
Hanford. Starting in 1963, sixty-four prisoners had their scrotums and
testes irradiated to determine the effects of radiation on human
reproductive organs. Although the inmates were warned about the
possibility of sterility and radiation burns, the forms said nothing
about the risk of testicular cancer. Markey's committee heard
allegations that, at the time of the experiments, General Electric
violated both civil and criminal laws.
GE's nuclear testing is merely one example of a lengthy corporate
history of malfeasance that includes conviction of criminal price-fixing
in the 1960s and many equivalent deeds. This memo focuses only on
General Electric's recently adjudicated or settled criminal or civil
I. Environment
A. GE is wholly or partially liable for at least 78 Federal Superfund
B. On September 29, 1998 General Electric agreed to a $200 million
settlement in principle of environmental claims resulting from pollution
of the Housatonic River and other areas by chemical releases from GE's
plant in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. (The settlement was with the
Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Justice .) The
claims result from a long history of GE's use and disposal of
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) and other hazardous substances at the
plant, which GE no longer uses for manufacturing. (PCBs, which have been
linked to cancer, were commonly used in electrical devices and
lubricants from the 1930s through the 1970s, when they were banned.)
Under the settlement, GE will remove contaminated sediments from the
one-half mile of the Housatonic River nearest the GE plant. Through a
cost-sharing agreement, GE will also fund much of the anticipated cost
of an additional mile-and-one-half of river cleanup to be conducted by
EPA. These river cleanups will include contaminated river banks and
soils in properties in the flood plain along the river. Later, after a
cleanup plan is selected for downstream portions of the river, GE will
perform that cleanup as well. In addition, GE will remedy contamination
at the Pittsfield plant and other nearby areas, including a school and
several commercial properties. The settlement also will address claims
that hazardous substances released from the GE plant caused injuries to
natural resources in the Housatonic River downstream of the plant,
extending through Massachusetts and into Connecticut. In addition to
cleaning up, GE agreed to pay $15 million in damages and to conduct a
number of projects designed to acquire or enhance wildlife habitat. The
damages payment will be used by the natural resource trustees -the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, and agencies of Massachusetts and Connecticut -to
restore, replace, or acquire the equivalent of the injured natural
The City of Pittsfield will benefit, too, from the settlement. GE has
agreed to a "brownfield" redevelopment project on a portion of the
defunct plant, including a multi-million dollar investment in
Pittsfield, in conjunction with the new Pittsfield Economic Development
Authority ("PEDA"). PEDA will commit up to $4 million of anticipated
revenues from the redevelopment to further enhancement of natural
C. On March 26, 1998 General Electric Co. agreed to pay a $92,000 fine
for previous violations of EPCRA reporting requirements for toxic
releases at its silicone manufacturing plant in Waterford, N .Y.
according to EPA Region 2. In addition, GE agreed to spend about
$112,000 to pay to upgrade local emergency response capabilities in
surrounding communities. Between 1991 and 1996, EPA cited GE for 23
violations when toxic releases were un- or under reported. Chemicals
involved were dimethyl sulfate, chlorine, 1, 1, 1, -trichloroethane,
ammonia, and toluene.
D. On September 15, 1995, General Electric Co. agreed to pay $137,000 in
fines and expenses and to clean up a hazardous waste dump at a former
plant where it repaired and rebuilt transformers. The agreement was part
of a settlement with the Florida State Department of Environmental
Protection. In October 1993, investigators swooped down on the GE
Apparatus Service Center in Brandon, Florida with search warrants to
take soil samples and confiscate computer records and files. Inspectors
found 30 violations, including hazardous waste pumped from underground
storage tanks into a nearby railroad spur, reports show. They also
discovered groundwater contaminated with elevated levels of PCBs and a
layer of petroleum and cleaning solvents floating on the groundwater.
Complaints from previous employees and discoveries during routine
inspections sparked a sheriff's office's investigation of the center,
where employees cleaned and serviced heavy-duty electric motors and
generators for 20 years. GE closed the facility in December 1993.
E. On March 13, 1992, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a $20,000
fine against General Electric Company for violations of regulations at
the fuel fabrication plant in Wilmington, N.C. On May 29, 1991, GE
personnel accidentally moved about 320 pounds of uranium to a waste
treatment tank. The danger of the mistake was that the size and shape of
the waste container caused unsafe concentrations of uranium, which could
lead to a nuclear accident. The NRC dispatched a special incident
investigation team the same day and an inspection began two days later.
The NRC found that the mistake was the result of lax safety controls.
F. According to documents obtained by Public Citizen under the Freedom
of Information Act, GE designed nuclear reactors around the world have a
design flaw that make it virtually certain (90%) that in the event of a
meltdown, radiation would be released directly into the environment and
into surrounding communities, leaving the public without any protection.
The NRC acknowledges that the reactor containment structure in GE built
nuclear power plants did not work, but they licensed the reactors
anyway. (Also, a dozen or more GE designed boiling water reactors in the
US and abroad have evidence of cracking in the reactor core shroud -- a
metal cylinder surrounding the reactor's radioactive fuel rods.)
G. GE continues to mislead government officials and the public about the
dangers of PCB's. At an April 22, 1998 shareholder meeting, GE CEO Jack
Welch claimed: "PCBs do not pose adverse health risks..." Testifying in
Albany on July 9, 1998, EPA Administrator Carol Browner stated: "GE
tells us this contamination is not a problem. GE would have people of
the Hudson River believe, and I quote: 'living in a PCB-laden area is
not dangerous.' But the science tells us the opposite is true ... And
concern about PCB's goes beyond cancer ... The science has spoken: PCB's
are a serious threat..."
H. GE was a big proponent, and prime beneficiary of the
"business-friendly" initiatives undertaken by former NY State Environmental
Conservation Commissioner Michael Zagata, who was ousted by Governor Pataki after
a controversial tenure. This business friendly policy, in 1995, let
General Electric Co. avoid paying a fine and gave the company a tax
writeoff. The settlement, reached through the program, let General
Electric Co. off the hook for permitting an industrial landfill to burn
out of control for nearly a year in Waterford, Saratoga County. The deal
allowed the company to avoid paying a fine, gave them a $1.5 million tax
writeoff, and resulted in a boat launch being built near the Columbia
County residences of former Environmental Conservation Commissioner
Michael Zagata and his chief deputy. (These "business-friendly"
initiatives were later rescinded.)
I. General Electric may not be forthcoming about the possible liability
for their environmental problems. In its 1998 annual report, GE reported
that it had expended $81 million for capital projects related to the
environment in 1998 and $80 million in 1997. The report indicated that
GE expects to spend $85 million over the next two years for capital
The same report indicated that expenditures for site remediation actions
amounted to about $127 million in 1998, compared with $84 million in
1997. "It is presently expected that such remediation actions will
require average annual expenditures in the range of $90 million to $170
million over the next two years." Given GE ' s expenditures on the
Massachusetts PCB cleanup alone, these figures appear overly optimistic
and perhaps misleading.
II. Defense Contracting Fraud
A. On July 23, 1992 GE pled guilty in federal court to civil and
criminal charges of defrauding the Pentagon and agreed to pay $69
million to the U .S. government in fines -- one of the largest defense
contracting fines ever. GE said in a statement that it took
responsibility for the actions of a former marketing employee who, along
with an Israeli Air Force General, diverted Pentagon funds to their own
bank accounts and to fund Israeli military programs not authorized by
the U.S. Under the settlement with the Justice Department, GE paid $59.5
million in civil fraud claims paid $9.5 million criminal fines. (Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act Violation.)
B. GE's civil and criminal transgressions stemming from the Israeli
military program are by no means isolated. GE is a repeat offender when
it comes to Defense Department fraud. Numerous times the company has
violated the False Claims Act -- a measure originally proposed by
Lincoln to protect federal coffers. When the Project on Government
Oversight surveyed defense contractors, it found that General Electric
had 15 examples of fraudulent activity in just a four year period
(1990-1994) -- more than any other defense contractor:
1. Paid $7.1 million to settle a qui tam suit alleging that the company
failed to satisfy electrical bonding requirements for its jet engine
contracts, thereby creating a safety risk.
2. Paid $5.87 million (along with Martin Marietta) to settle a qui tam
suit associated with improper sales of radar systems to Egypt.
3. From 1990 to 1994, GE paid fines ranging from a $20,000 criminal fine
to a $24.6 million civil fine for a variety of defense contracting
frauds, including: misrepresentation, money laundering, defective
pricing (2 incidents), cost mischarging (3 incidents), false claims,
product substitution, conspiracy/conversion of classified documents,
procurement fraud, and mail fraud.
4. Convicted on February 3, 1990 in US District Court in Philadelphia of
defrauding the government out of $10 million for a battlefield computer
5. Pled guilty on May 19, 1985 to charges of fraud and falsifying 108
claims on a missile contract.
6. Convicted of Defrauding the Air Force out of $800,000 on the
Minuteman Missile Project.
7. Convicted Of Bribing The Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority.
III. Other Litigations
A. Workplace Safety
More than one-fifth of all taxpayer dollars paid out to federal
contractors go to companies cited by federal inspectors for serious
violations of workplace safety rules, according to a 1996 General
Accounting Office study. Although federal agencies have the power to bar
companies from receiving contracts for a variety of reasons, including
workplace safety violations, the authority is "rarely exercised" to
punish companies for safety violations. The GAO study examined federal
contracts awarded during 1994, when $38 billion of the total $176
billion in federal contracts went to companies with serious OSHA
violations. Some 35 workers died and another 55 were hospitalized for
injuries in accidents associated with those safety violations. Only 261
federal contractors were cited in the GAO report, but an estimated
60,000 companies received federal contracts awarded in 1994. GE was one
of the few contractors that committed workplace violations -- GE failed
to meet standards for personal protective equipment at a Springfield,
Mo., plant. That citation resulted in a $42,500 fine.
B. Employment Discrimination
In a lawsuit, a black worker at GE's Burkville, Alabama plant claims
that General Electric officials have fostered a racially hostile
environment. General Electric reached settlements with two ex-General
Electric employees employed at the plant. The workers claim that they've
been subjected to Ku Klux Klan symbols, swastikas and a hangman's noose
at the plant.
IV. Conclusion
The Corporate Crime Reporter recently released a list entitled: The Top
100 Corporate Criminals of the Decade. Using a narrow definition that
only included corporations that pled guilty or no contest to crimes and
that have been criminally fined, the survey found that General Electric
was number 34 on the list.
What distinguishes General Electric is not merely the number of crimes
committed -- or the dollar amount of the crimes -- but a consistent
pattern of violating criminal and civil laws over many years. Even
worse, General Electric has been a leader in using political influence
to attempt to overturn environmental and defense contracting laws that
GE persistently violates. |